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What is a bush fire?

A bushfire or grassfire is a fastmoving wildfire that fans out from a singular ignition point and occurs solely in scrubland or grassland, which consist primarily of fast burning low density vegetation. Although these fires spread at a fast rate the fires tend not to linger in any one place for too long due to the nature of their fuel however they are able to cover large areas in a short time catching many animals and even humans off guard and as a result they tend to have a high impact on the ecosystem in the affected area.V


"In our recent visits to towns across the country that have been affected by the bushfires, we have been amazed by the strength and spirit on display. People helping each other, supporting loved ones and strangers alike and - at the most dire of times - coming together. Agencies have been leading the response and recovery with skill, courage and commitment."


"It makes me proud to be Australian."

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
3rd Janurary 2020
Photo taken from
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